DAY 24


DAY 24

Reached school on time and went to mark my signaline and after that to morning discipline duty After dity I went to my class. From 23 it there Onam examination And the portions for English is Unit 1 and 2. So I thought from today I will do a small revision to them so that they will get a dear understanding about the postions they have for exam. Today I thought I will redise the fast. whit and the chapti! Race by, Nisha Punjoy. I asked some questions from the charted Land made them answer them and write it down accordingly. After that gave a brief idea about me chapter, and important questions were discussed. They ahewered everything correctly. The doubts were clasified and they got a clear idea about everything. class I went to teach`` Thiourathura and danced along with my studente and it was soo good to dance with them and teach them. eerything accordingly


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