Again it's Monday morning. Reached school on time and went to HIM's office to mark signature and later went to the entrance to do morning discipline duty. After that had duty near my class and there I was talking with my students for sometime. Later I got substitution duty at class IX.A and me together with Karya went there Pfor subchtution duty and first we had a little chat with them and later made them peafbom come activities and games and they all were enjoying very much. and they even asked us to visit them quite often so that they could play games. Anywas they were good students managing them was casy After that I went to my class and today I made them prepare a flow chevet on the skills that the students practised and after that I taught them the Gemaining postion of Tolstoy faum and I Tolstoy foun gave them some home wook activites and finally the bell sang and the day finally came to an end.


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