Third day and that boo a was indeed very happy because its weekend. furday I Reached school on time and went to 's mom to mark my signature and later had discipline duty near the entrance and there listening to children's wiching you Good Morning teacher is a smooth thing to heave. And that? makes go like I had won some Jackpot me Kinda feel and there are days where no student wishes you or recognises you to gives any respect to us. And that makes me think ake this generation is a lot different because I remember during my school days I used to wish every single teacher that came on my way ok anyway come works and I was preparing and we ofter duty I went to notes to give my it to my students had lunch and went to my class and my After that gave a brief summary about the poem song of a Dream and gave notice to them and they clarified. their doubts and later bell sang and after evening duty we all went home and Yay Its weekend and 2 days ho enjoy!


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