
The third day of internship. After two holidays, it was the monday and went to the school at sharp 8.30 am. Did the morning duty infront of the Cardinal Cleemis Block. Since it is a big school where many students and teachers are collaborated, it is the duty of teachers to make the students go in a single line. Discipline is very strict and they actually work it properly. I was having the second period. Took the remaining portion of The Sower. Took the class using ICT. Activities were given and they oarticipated well.


Today's class went well. Students were too responding. They listened well and answered all the questins. Ptoper reinforcement was given. After the class went for mid-day meal duty. Serving food is a noble thing. Served food for little kids. The smile in their face made my day.


Today's class was a little challenging. Before begginning the chapter, put a spelling test for 20 minutes. The village blacksmith, a poem by Henty Wardsworth Longfellow was taken. Two satnzas were taught, Using ICT, the meaning of difficult words were taught. The poem was intorduced by showing a video about a blacksmith.


Teaching becomes more challenging these days. But it is getting very interesting. As we are the teacher trainees, students often ask some tricky questions. For them, they have to challenge us in many ways. taught the poem to the next batch of students.


Today, the fourth unit Flowers and Showers has started. It was a fresh beginning that the students were too eager to study about the nature. Students are too serene like flowers. it's the duty of teachers to make them bloom. My students are very intelligent they only need a scaffolder. The song of the flower is a poem by the lebanese poet Khalil Gibran.The poem is splendid for its exquisite uses of poetic devices and expressions. 


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