A week of blooming flowers.


Flower the most beautiful thing in the nature. Kids are as gentls as flowers. As part of their assignment they wrote a short note on their favourite flower. Rose, jasmine, lotus etc were in abundant. I liked their creativity. Encouraged them a lot.


The unit flowers and showers is really authentic as it deals with the portions that are related to nature and its soothing gifts. Today the second poem in this unit has started. The poem First showers entails on the sensousness of rain. The flowers on the happiness and joy that rain can kindle in human beings. The poet tries to depict rain as a mood lifter by involving the bliss and ecstasy and by forgetting the waevy and mundane life once in a while when rain showers from the abode aesthetically.


After two soothing poems, today a new short story has begun. The Nightingale and the Rose ,written by Oscar Wlide is a folktale which narrates the story of a young student who is madly in love. He is petrified and devastated as his beloved promise to dance with him on the condition that he gave a red rose.


Today, the short story The Nightingale and the Rose continued. The second and third page of the short story written by Oscar Wlide delineates on the despearte attempt of Nightingale in finding a redrose for the boy. The class went well. Stdents listened it well.


What would you do if you were the Nightingale? Would you sacrifice your life for a red rose? Explain.. This was the activity given on the previous class. Today all of them presentes their answers. Many of them are willing to sacrifice their,this shows that they are real gems.


Nature has always been a motivator,guide,teacher and mentor. Today we begun a story which absolutely substanstiate this statement.  Anton Chekhov was a Russian playwright an short story writer. A day in the country is the new story.A homeless cobbler Terenty and how he is caring two orphans.The class went well. ICT was used.



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