Splendid week

3rd May                                                                                                                                                              First hour was handled by Meekha maam. She talked about the association program and thanked us for organising it successfuly. Gayathri did her reflection on the book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. It was indeed a great presentation. Next hour was handled by Gibi maam and we continued with our presentation on Howard Gardner and Multiple Intelligence. Varsha and Uthara took the seminar. 

4th May                                                                                                                                                               Benedict sir declared the results of our association program and we got lot of appreciation from other colleges for conducting such an innovative competition. First hour was taken by Joju air and it was all about presentations regarding e learning sources which was very helpful. Second hour was handled by Maya maam and social science students continued with their presentations.

5th May                                                                                                                                                              First hour was taken by Ancy maam and she introduced us about Sir Aurobindo and his contributions. We came to know that it was her wedding anniversary and we, all together wished her. Next hour was for optionals. Uthara did her reflection on the very famous yet controversial book "One Part Women". Her presentation was exceptionally well. 

6th May                                                                                                                                                                The day was satrted with the class of Joju sir. He shared a wonderful thought on potency. Then Mathematics optionals started their presentations on cyber privacy. Their slides were good.After that George sir taught us a new asana named "Sidhasana" which was a bit more easy than the previous one.

7th May                                                                                                                                                         Ancy maam began the class and shared the ppt on Aristotle . Due to network issues she couldn't continue the class and we were asked to prepare notes from the material provided in the Google classroom. After that Priyanka did her reflection on My Story by the iconic Madhavikutty aka Kamala Surraiya. In the afternoon we had a talk by Vani maam a renowned psychologist on the topic "Covid Stress Management". The talk was the need of hour. It was indeed a great relaxation for us during this pandemic. 


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