College First Assembly..

Today was a little bit different because we witnessed our first assembly at MTTC. It was conducted by the M.Ed students. Well I had a leap into those bygone school days where assemblies were an essential part of the daily routine. Benedict Sir inagurated their association AGNI and gave us a magnificent talk on life , that too by taking the example of a bamboo tree. Moreover a new book was released by Reghu sir and Ancy mam which will be available in the library. After the optional class, Gibi mam taughts us learner experience and factors. Well it was interesting with the western musical notes of "do, re, le, ma..."
After that Benedict Sir introduced our Arts and Aesthetic teacher Regu Sir. He is a well known figure for all of us. He ellicited the class with a question _ "What are the qualities of an actor?"
Well we had many options and choices. Sir elucidated the importance of voice , body and mind for an actor. He made the class more interesting by making us do an activity which was all about the technique of voice modulations. After that Maya mam took a session on naturalism. We had a small performance session in between the class to break the monotony. Mam always make us more lively in between the classes. After that Ancy mam continued her session on kohlbergs theory. Last hour was taken by Joju Sir. He exhorted us to read a book "Skill with people" and the day came to an end.


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