Aristotle and ICT

Today's class started off with Ancy mam. Today we were taught the ideas of Aristotle, the great philosopher. His notions on realism and forms of souls were discussed in detail. It was amazing to know that Aristotle emphasied on the importance of happiness in one's life: his belief of chief good was happiness. Today we wished our classmates who happened to celebrate their birthdays yesterday and today.
After the session. Joju Sir engaged the next hour and maths optionals continued with their presentation. Sajin, Emily and Neema presented their seminars on Copyright, Creative Common licensesand hacking respectively. Their presentations were outstanding. Moreover we got add ons regarding copyrights and content creation. It was interesting to know about the colour coded divison of hackers. In the evening ICT club organised a talk which was delivered by a scholar Amrita Mandal Bera. We got chunks of information regarding the creation of PowerPoint presentations and its wider applications. It was indeed a nice day.


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