Let's dance with the rhythm of Chennai...

This week was quite exhilarating. More excited yet hard worked week.As part of our college union we decided to celebrate "The International Dance Day". As the Arts Club Secretary I's so honored to coordinate the entire program "NAACH". Hence we decided to release a dance video of our students. In the midst of this pandemic we have to shift everything into online platform . Interested students were assembled in a wahtsapp group and divided into five subgroups. The groups were on the basis of the dance they do. Classical,semiclassical,western,cinematic and deppamkuthu. All students danced and send their video on time . Georgia and her brother did the editing works.Actually they made it really excting one.Editing works were really awesome. Hat's off to both of you💔💗 . Gibi maam, Benedict sir and all others helped a lot. Shalini maam put her great time for giving an introductory message for us. Anchor Meera Anil also send her felicitation.Finally our Naach was released in our college youtube channel on 29 April 8 pm.It was really successful. Many people were on the live streaming with a lots of comments and likes.We could get high reach. Received a lot of appreciations. Very happy for it. Thanks to all who has supported us, the 65th college union Nisarga.


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