An another online week...

 26 April, Monday                                                                                                                                              The day was started with optionals. Aleena, Sreepriya and Anooja did their reflections on The Zahir, Eleven Minutes and The Bread Winner respectively. All of them did a wonderful job. After that Meekha maam assigned us duties for organising an intercollegiate competition hosted by our subject association Niyuktha as part of English Language day. Next session was taken by Maya maam . Today Malayalam optionals presented their seminar on the position of women in the Indian society and the different kinds of violence faced by them in our society.

27 April, Tuesday                                                                                                                                               First hour was taken by Maya maam. Today Physical Science optionals started their seminar on the topic Social Evils. They did a wonderful job. We could gather chunks of information and insights from them. The subjects like corruption and the impact of such evils in the political structure was explained in a detailed manner. After that we continued with the presentation on Guilford in Gibi maam's class. Mam introduced the theory of Multiple Intelligence by plotting the story the iconic figure Rasputin and she also sang the famous song "Ra Ra Rasputin"...

28th April, Wednesday                                                                                                                                       Session began with optionals. Sreelekshmi and Megha did their reflections on Goat Days and God of Small Things respectively. Their presentations were exceptionally well. After that Physical science students continued with their presentations during Maya maam's class. Then I rushed to shoot the dance video. By night, we're informed that our friend Biji met with an accident and was hospitalised.We all preyed for her speedy recovery.

29 April, Thursday                                                                                                                                         Today we had a single session by George Sir. It was a long time since we did yoga. Sir made us to do some warm up excercises and taught us a new asana named "Padmasana". Feel very refreshed after the session.The day of our video releasing. It went exceptionaly well. Indeed a cheerful day.

30 April, Friday                                                                                                                                               First session was handled by Joju Sir and the presentations were going on as usual. Next hour was taken by Maya maam and the students from Social Science started their presentation on the caste system. 

The week was really fun filled that union conducted a selfie competition named "Chakikotha Chakaran"as part of the world siblings day.


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