A week of great enthusiasm...

 12 April, Monday                                                                                                                                               First session was for the optionals. We've continued the Reading and Reflection. Ganga , Caran and Devika did their reflection on Chronicles of a Death foretold , Song of Solomon , Sita-The Warrior of Mithila respectively.They elucidated the ideas in the text and gave their views comprehensively. After that Benedict Sir took a session on classroom management. It was quite an useful session as usual.

13 April, Tuesday                                                                                                                                               First session was taken by Joju Sir. We, English people has started our presentations. Next hour was taken by Ancy maam and she completed Plato and his views on education. By evening the 65th college union Nisarga announceda whatsapp status competiton with regard to Vishu. The topic was "Kannanm Covidm pinne njanum". 

15 April, Thursday                                                                                                                                             First session was for optionals. Jis did her reflection the book The Fault in our Stars. Her slides were quite innovative. After that Gibi maam continued her class on the atributes of personality.

16 April, Friday                                                                                                                                                  First session was taken by Joju sir. The presentations were taken by us. I took my presentation on Web 1.0. Could do it effectively. After that Ancy maam took the class on Mahatma Gandhi and his contributions.


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