With the vibrancy of GLUCOSE...

 Today was really memorable that we had two excitements. Actually,we were going to surprise the entire college with a flash mob for revealing the name of our college union. It was meant for a surprise but the fact is that everyone was aware of it😂.

We had an ice-breaking session by our seniors.Actually,the most awaited day;our Freshers day. It was really vibrant as its title itself suggest it- "GLUCOSE". They welcomed us by giving glucose. A thoughtful and vibrant session. RJ Unni was the chief guest of the occasion. A well known figure to all of us as we are familiarwith his mellifluous voice through that iconic program 'Hello my dear wrong number'. He spoke about some of his wonderful and delighted experience from the college.It cheered the whole lot of students in the auditorium and we were pumped for the next interactive session named "Chakkapazham" with our seniors. After that Gayathri and me hurried and got ready for the flash mob.That was inexplicable. "Nisarga" was the official name of our 65th college union. We performed really well irrespective of the scorching sun. After all we gave a small surprise to our new wed Aparna by cutting a cake and giving her a small token of our love.


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