The most vibrant "ARTS DAY..."

 Mar Theophilus was really energetic, colourful and vibrant during the days of March 29,30 and 31.Three days of joy, vigour and power-packed performances.  All these were dedicated for the arts day and literary fest organised by the 64th college union Ekayana. 

29 was dedicated for the literary fest under the title "Thamapathra". All the students from the first and second year was evenly distributed under five groups which was named after malayalam poetic metres :     1. Panchachamaram                                                                                                                                           2. Pushpithagraha                                                                                                                                                3. Praharshini                                                                                                                                                    4. Pallavi

I was in the first group. Anusha was the leader, Reshma was thw assistent leader and Priyanka was the time keeper. On the first day of the literary fest almost all of us were canoeing from one venue to other. Our seniors have organised it perfectly and all the events were conducted on time without any delay. In the evening after our practice we had a small holi celebration.

30 and 31st March marked the the days of celebration,hope, pride and despair. The spirit and strength of competition has been aroused in all of us. "Avanija"-the budding hope of survival amidst the chaos was clearly manifested in that title. The art fest was officially inaugurated by the eminent poet and teacher Muragan Kattakada and cine actor Jeevan Gopan. Our group strived hard for all the group events. We didn't get much time to practice the mime but our team was sport on and bagged the second prize and that was really dazzling. We got many prizes for the group events and we Panchachamaram bagged the first prize in both literary and cultural events. We were all thrilled and enthralled which culminated in a sparkling performance of joy and happiness in the end.

College was closed today due to the election. We'II have online classes. 


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