Highly talented and fun filled February

Our February was really awesome.. Had many programs.. Most important one was our talent hunt. It was really colorful. Each optionals got time to stage their talents. What a talented people! All performed fantastically. We, English students performed in the second day of talent hunt. We made it really well. There were dances, group songs, mono act, skit etc. We, 22 English butterflies has showcased our talents. There are versatile people. Some of them did their level best. Some had given up their inhibitions and awaken their hidden talents. It was a great initiative by our principal because all 100 people could perform their maximum without having any inhibitions. It actually made everyone very active and vibrant. The talent hunt was in four days.. The first was decorated by the outstanding performances of M. Ed students. Then we, B. Ed students were on the stage for 3 days.